Below is a clip from the video game I am currently playing on my Xbox π‘Ίπ’π’Šπ’‘π’†π’“ π‘¬π’π’Šπ’•π’† 5. In this game I play as an Elite US Sniper, where I use a sniper rifle to target and compromise enemies at a distance. What does this do?…It allows me to eliminate my problems quickly without the hassle of combat and continue my adventure in each level with less threats to my well being and existence.

In the journey ofΒ #MenopauseΒ andΒ #perimenopauseΒ having ample knowledge allows you to do exactly the same. The minute you start to experience symptoms at the mildest your knowledge will be your sniper rifle that will allow you to take positive action a huge distance away from the symptom becoming an inconvenience to you. It allows you to snipe out the potential challenges to your health and wellbeing thatΒ #menopausesymptomsΒ can cause, rather than engage in the combat of fighting against those hormonal demons when they become hugely overwhelming. What you are doing is clearing the pathway of potential obstacles and challenges in order to make the Menopause journey more stress and anxiety free.

Your partner being aware of Menopause also equips him with his own mental sniper rifle to take out potential threats to your well-being in menopause that you may not see yourself. It is indeed about teamwork because team work makes the dream work.

Life is generally about being ahead of the game, and a big part of this in terms of our own wellbeing is making those positive and healthy choices such as being a healthy eater, a regular exerciser and a positive thinker. If you already lead thisΒ #lifestyleΒ from an earlier age in your life guess what…you have already equipped yourself in advance with the bullets to take out many of those potential health threats and serve you well in the Menopause adventure.

#menopausesupportΒ #menopauseawarenessΒ #menopausehealthΒ #perimenopausehealthΒ #menopausiaΒ #menopausematters