A man who was born with tetra amelia syndrome, which means he had no arms or legs at birth, and his own mother even refused to hold him, yet Nicolas Vujicic is with us today as one of the worlds most inspiring authors and motivational speakers.

Amongst the activities he can do in his current state are horse riding, swimming, surfing, skydiving and play golf. He has a foot at his left hip which enables him to type and even kick a ball. He was bullied badly at school and attempted suicide. But he engaged in positivity from the age of 17 and had a life-long dream of speaking in front of thousands of people.

It’s quite amazing what you can do when you refuse to let your physical limitations be your limitations. Some of the things he has done are things I would not even dream of.

His biggest message, which I share greatly is this…don’t ever let life’s happenings ever dictate what you can and can’t do. Even in a seemably impossible state you can still enjoy life to the max, as long as you believe that nothing can stop you.

Nicolas is today a high-in-demand motivational speaker, living his dream and inspiring many other the world over to never give up.

If we all had his amazing attitude the world would be full of winners and incredible success stories.

If you ever needed an example of a real life hero, Nick Vujicic is a premium example of one. I spent 30 years in martial arts and achieved black belts in both Karate and Jujitsu, and I have inverted big toes which caused me much pain when I started Karate and I nearly quit. Don’t let your physical limitations beat you. Stand tall, Believe you can.

#Sattitude #Tenacity #NoLimits #Mindset #Character #Confidence #UnleashYourInnerPower #SuperHeroes