As a huge video games fan I like to relate a lot of my life and inspirations to the gaming industry, for I have always believed life to be like a huge 12 month gaming campaign with each month being a mission and each month having a set of objectives.

When we buy a game we always have curiosity as to the ending so we browse YouTube to see it, and suddenly it hits our motivation hard to go on and complete that game. Even tho we know of the difficulties we will encounter, and the unpredictable twists and turns in the story lines, we don’t care…WE WILL STILL COMPLETE IT!!

Our lives are exactly the same, we determine our actions and our fortune by who we choose to see ourselves as at the end line. I’ve always been a big believer that to be the success you want, you have to see yourself as that success in the future and that enables you to work backwards to determine the right and appropriate course of operation.

One thing that has always helped me in past successes is future social media posts. I would draft up a copy of the social media post that I would want to write in that future and save it. that excited me to work hard and tenaciously on my goal to give me that very success, even in the knowledge of the hardship, the challenges and the sheer dedication it would take, just the second nature knowledge that I can, just as I feel when Buying and playing a hard video game, is enough to shoot me forward with immense and insurmountable fighting power.

This year, on New Years Day 2021, I choose to call the operation ‘Call Of Duty: Sat Ops, Superhero’. Every New Year that starts is like a new Call Of Duty game release, the end of year achievement being my Ultimate Goal, The months being the 2021 campaign missions and the days of each month being daily objectives.

If you don’t have a plan and set a route, you’re going nowhere.

#Sattitude #2021 #Operation2021 #CallOfDuty #SatOps #Hero #PositiveVibes #InspiringVibes #PositiveEnergy