“It’s about what you believe and I believe in love.”

A powerful quote taken from the movie Wonder Woman and uttered by the very woman herself. Superheroes save lives out of the very magical prism that we all have embodied within our human structure…A HEART! All action is based on the one emotion that is the key creating wizard of all things in this world…LOVE. It is through love that they are prepared to put themselves on the line for the sanity of the entire world, and accomplishing that global safe-keeping gives them a feel good factor like no other.

Recently, just before Christmas dawned, I stumbled upon a homeless person who was begging for money. I went to my car, pulled out a Β£5 note, gave it to her and took a selfie with her. She was made to feel what she rarely is…a part of our society. For a few minutes I was her superhero and I felt proud of giving the love to someone in need.

My influence of positive social media posts comes from the love of watching others rise from the ashes and eradicate the darkness around them. We live in a world where someone each day is trapped within there own darkness so by giving out positivity on social media I give love by emitting much needed light of hope,

Writing a book was written out of love for people going through similar traumas, and it enabled me to be the oracle that holds their hand to assure them ‘everything is going to be ok’.

People in professional sports…football, boxing, racing play it not only out of passion for themselves, but out of love to inspire others to keep pursuing their dreams and never give up in the face of adversity.

We are all superheroes because our compassionate actions in business, on social media and in life all stem from LOVE and we all have that power to give it in a special unique way and be someone’s superhero. So if you have a huge goal in life for business or personal pleasure, make sure you follow it through and achieve it because achieving it and showcasing it can do more than just reach out to others in need…It can save lives, just like Superheroes do,

#Sattitude #Superheroes #PowerOfLove #SavingLivesAroundTheWorld #ReachOut