Have you ever brought a game that you are so excited about? You maintain that excitement even in the knowledge that you are going to have your hardships and have that psychological fight within yourself as you progress and things get harder, yet you still commit because your desire and your purpose are greater than your fears. When you play the game you make CHOICES…choices as to which character you use, which superpower you unleash, which direction you go, which enemy you fight first, etc…those choices determine your progression and whether you get to the next level or stay in the current level.

You will always get knocked down by bad guys, and sometimes a group of them. You will always come up against that end of level boss that keeps beating you time and time again before you finally let off steam in frustration…BUT YOU STILL KEEP GOING BACK AND TRYING!

Life is exactly the same…We make choices in the direction we take in life, our careers, our personal interests and we choose what attitude to unleash. Life’s challenges will sometimes gang up and keep beating us down like a gang of bad guys, life will keep trying to end us like the big boss in the computer game, but as in the computer game we have to show resilience on a consistent basis and keep trying till we win. Every failure is a growth bubble that makes every future attempt better than the last and enables us to eventually succeed.

In life we have to be the game controller and take control of our choices, of our emotions, our attitude and our actions. We have to take control of how often we move forward and how often we fall back. As with the computer game our desire and purpose to act must be greater than our fears if we desire to have success.

When you set goals in life they are your CALL OF DUTY and your steps in achieving those goals are your missions and sub-plots in getting to those goals. Life is about stepping stones to success you have to decide your big goals and what your stepping stones are to achieving those goals. Like the soldiers in CALL OF DUTY you have to feel the fear and move forward, You have to take risks, you have to be resilient even after being severely wounded, and you have to stay laser focused.

So the question is this…what Superhero will you be and what super power will you unleash?

#Sattitude #LifeIsAComputerGame #Superhero #Superpowers #Tenacity #Resilience #Choices #Desire #NeverGiveUp