They relationships can be painful, but there’s one heart that can never break you…YOUR OWN!

Many people jump into relationships for the sake of the excitement and the pride of being able to tell the world they have that special someone in their life. However, in time what actually happens is that as that person grows, the other one turns into negative energy and drags him/her back down, and before you know it, things break down into nothingness.

What you need to ask yourself is this…is it worth just having ANY person in your life, or are you better working on yourself to be the best version of you, to attract the best person in your life? When you are in ‘just a relationship’ you don’t realise how much of yourself you have truly neglected, until you break up. That is the greatest opportunity to build the perfect relationship with yourself, rediscover those growth spurts you sorely missed out on and grow even beyond what you imagine. What you then find is that you NATURALLY attract the one and the likelihood is that the person will stay in your life forever because they tick all your boxes as you tick theirs.

If you want the best form of love and respect how do you expect to attract that, if you can’t love and respect yourself? You have to lead by example and love yourself first before you can beckon the love of others.

You have a Call of duty to live your life and part of living that life is to honour your standards. People who drag you down are negative energy and, no matter how long they have been a part of your life, are people that need to be OUT of your life not IN it.

Keep your self-respect flowing, uphold your true standards and live life in supreme happiness.