They say Love is a powerful force of positivity, which is so true bit there are many different forms of forces which drive it’s strength, one of those, arguably the biggest driver, is COMPASSION!

It’s all good giving out the love to so many people, but what use is it if we don’t understand them first? My success with my clients and my customers has been built on one big moto…put the receiver first and put yourself in his/her shoes before you evaluate. Knowing what that person is feeling and understanding the processes they are going through only serves to strengthen communication and relationships.

In Kleeneze I was one of the network’s top retailers because I put myself in the shoes of the customer and developed my service standards from that. My past relationships have taught me to understand women problems better and I’ve even saved a few marriages from breaking down by giving a realistic perspective and promoting the need to take action straight away, When I talk to people and get aggressive confrontations I put myself in the shoes of the aggressor to understand what words and moods would sound calming and help ease situations.

When we show compassion we are also showing maturity in ourselves. By being compassionate we appreciate that the world does not revolve solely around our needs, that everyone’s needs matter, and that everyone, like us, is human and needs the same love that we thrive on.

Compassion can also save a life. Caroline Flack, who sadly passed away through suicide was attacked constantly by the media for her actions against her boyfriend yet it was when she passed that the tributes suddenly poured out…how different would it have been had the media been more supportive and compassionate? She may well have still been with us. What we get thrown at us is fed in and processed by our brains so negative energy will always be toxic and dangerous to our lives.

Show compassion to others my friends, be a hero in others’ times of need and grow more smiles across the globe.