Many of us have seen the film ‘Speed’, thriller film whereby a bus full of passengers is armed with a bomb which activates itself once over 50 mph, and will detonate if it drops below that speed.

I treat my goals in similar fashion, once I set the goals I need to achieve, an imaginary time bomb is automatically activated. if I slow down my commitment and fail to achieve my goal in the required time frame, my world will explode into nothing.

I remember in 2016, after nearly having my house repossessed, I had no choice, I had to make the Kleeneze Christmas and Gala dinner having achieved Gold and top retailer, which I powered forward and did. Everything was life and death, and it forced me so out of my comfort zone, to pull out all the stops to achieve that goal. Emotions, tiredness, injuries, weather, they did not matter one bit I just had to make this goal happen.

The start of 2020 marked a horrible start, a split up from the girl I loved so much which brought me down to near suicidal depression. yet despite all this, I revealed my book only a few days after feeling at my lowest point, launched it on Feb 25th 2020, and became an Amazon best-seller only 5 weeks after…because after everything that appened, it was the only way I could truly move on in grace and honour. I had to complete that incredible come back and live to tell the tale after.

It is always important to have a creative, positive attitude towards our goals, don’t just set them and hope for the best, If it means something to you, you will do all you can with passion and integrity, and you will let nothing, not even the smallest of excuses, stand in your way.

Life is about being brave, daring and courageous. When we step into that dangerous zone, we end up finding the goldest of treasures that even we could not imagine…all because we dared to set forth in brave fashion.

Goals are there for a reason…to help you grow and at times, change your life. By demanding more of ourselves we show respect to our future and ourselves. Never take a light hearted approach to goal-setting….you are ether in or out,