It’s easy to feel aggrieved and hurt when a relationship ends. One moment we have the partner we want to spend the rest of our lives with and the next thing they are no longer with us. Their vibe, attitude and direction has completely changed leaving us shattered into 1000 pieces.

It is easy for me to say, “get over it and move on” but the pain is not something that will disappear over night. However, we do have the power to adjust our attitude to the situation and power on forward. When I sadly had a relationship split with a woman I love so much, it brought me down to deep depression and I felt near suicidal. However, this was also a great opportunity to grow another relationship,,,A RELATIONSHIP WITH MYSELF.

When we just jump into relationships as soon as we feel loved, we neglect ourselves and lose that chance to grow into the best version of ourselves to attract the very best people into our lives. When break ups happen, this is the relationship we get back…the one with ourselves that will take us to new, unimaginable heights. Since my break up I have become an Amazon best-selling author, Appeared on radio shows, am being lined up to appear on TV and further radio shows. I have also toned up my body, added more muscle and started to do martial arts trickery. All this came from putting the focus on myself.

When many told me to focus on myself I couldn’t do it as I was in a very hurt way, yet 6 months on I’ve made a remarkable turnaround because of doing that very thing. When you have a great relationship with yourself you upgrade significantly over the last version of yourself and you give yourself the best opportunity to attract the right, like-minded people into your life.

Own your brilliance, give yourself value and grow beyond even what you could ever imagine.